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Original price was: ₹140.00.Current price is: ₹84.00.

Drug of choice for ladies in comfort or no comfort

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  1. Metone is a best herbal substitute for Iron & hormonal imbalance.
  2. Metone gives speed relief from gynecological disorders.
  3.  Metone regulate menstrual cycle.
  4. Metone prevents uterine infection and gynecological disorders.
  5. Metone relieves uterine cramps and pain.
  6. Metone reduces pelvic congestion.
  7. Metone is completely non-toxic and has no untoward action on the pregnant
    and can be used by all women.• Metone contains apple extract contains 4% ferrous Iron that gives natural Iron
    to the body.
    • Metone contains herbs like Asoka and Lodhra which are good hemostatic and
    astringent substances that stimulate endometrium and prevent metrorrhagia
    and leucorrhea.
    • Herbs like Lohdra prevents white discharge.
    • Satavari an effective herbal rejuvenative that stimulates female hormones and
    is good in case of menopause and hysterectomy.


Each 15 ml. is prepared from 113 mg. of following herbal aqueous extracts with 15 mg of Pyrus malus fruit (Apple extract contains 4% Ferrous Iron)::

Pyrus malus (Apple, Sevaphal), Saraca indica (Asoka), Symplocos racemose (Lodhra), Cyperus rotundus (Musta), Withania somnifera (Aswagandha), Santalum album (Chandana), Ipomoea digitata (Vidari), Nardostachys jatamansi (Jatamamsi), Curcuma longa (Haridra), Asparagus racemosus (Satavari), Hemidesmus indicus (Sariba), Adhatoda vasica (Vasa), Glycyrrhiza glabra (Yastimadhu). In flavoured syrup base. Sod. Benzoate q.s. as a preservative. Approved Green Colour is added.


• Dysmenorrhea
• Leukorrhea
• Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
• Post I.U.C.D. bleeding
• Metrorrhagia
• Post menopausal bleeding
• Secondary amenorrhoea
• Threatened abortion

Indications :

  • Prevents premature ejaculation.
  • Ensures proper erection in men and desire in women.
  • Treats nervous debility and general debility.
  • Increase the Sperm and Libido.
  • Improves Vigor and vitality.
  • Improves physical and Psychological fitness.


Metone acts directly on the muscular fibers of the uterus.
Metone contracts the tissues of the endometria, thereby diminish discharge of mucous or blood.
Metone has a stimulating effect on ovarian tissues.


15 ml. b.i.d. with fruit juice or water.

Manufactured & Marketed by:
Syndy Pharma,
159/C, Phase – II, Cherlapally,
Hyderabad-500 051,

Expiry date: Best before 2 years from the date of Manufacturing.

Ingredients list

200 ml

How To Use:

15 ml. b.i.d. with fruit juice or water.


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